Pacific Oyster
Yellow Fish
Drains are for rainwater only.
Falmouth Green Corridor Forum volunteers are trying to protect the Bickland Stream, by marking drains in the area with the yellow fish logo, to remind people to think about what they put down the drains - oils, paints and chemicals poured down surface water drains will enter the river and sea, polluting the water and harming wildlife.
The stream runs through Tregoniggie Woodland, Prislow Woods, the Swanvale and Swanpool nature reserves, then into the sea. It is vital to protect all species and habitats along Falmouth's environmentally important green corridor. Keep our stream clean - only rain down the drain.
If you see a pollution incident, please call the 24 Hour Environment Agency Pollution Hotline: 0800 80 70 60

Refill Falmouth
Cornwall Wildlife Trust is working with BeachCare and Clean Cornwall taking the battle against plastic waste to the next level with ReFILL Cornwall, a countywide free water refill campaign. The partnership has come together to reduce our plastic pollution and litter levels by calling on people to make just one simple change – to choose tap water instead of buying plastic bottled water both at home and out and about. Businesses are encouraged to become a ReFILL Falmouth location by displaying a sticker in their window, joining the ReFILL app, and encouraging other businesses local to them to get involved. Cafes, bars, restaurants, hostels, anyone – if you have a tap and would like to show your support to the campaign and to those people who are making a positive choice away from single use plastic, please get in touch with us.
Plastic Free Communites
Plastic pollution has sadly become synonymous with any coastal activity, from surfing to swimming, beach holidays to wildlife watching – it is simply an expected part of our experience. This is why marine plastic pollution, and specifically tackling society’s throwaway, excessive or unnecessary plastic culture, is now Surfers Against Sewage’s top priority. Plastic pollution is an issue that connects the environment with all parts of society, and is something that we can take action on at every level. Indeed, it will only be through concrete, collective, positive action that we will be able to catalyse the shift that is needed to stop the flood of plastic pollution from overwhelming our world.